Come on Jerry You Know You Have to Do Both Meeseeks

PM-icon-101.png This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Meeseeks and Destroy." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
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This article is atranscript of the Rick and Morty episode Meeseeks and Destroy. It is the fifth episode of Flavour 1 and aired on January xx, 2014.


[Open up Ext. Damaged space station, likely in some other dimension]

(The sky is purple and tumultuous every bit the sounds of Rick and Morty running and panting are heard.)

[Trans. Int. Space station]

(Rick and Morty run through the abandoned station, pursued by evil clones of Jerry, Beth, and Summer.)

Rick: Run!

Jerry, Beth, and Summer: *incoherent zombie noises*

(The three clones tackle Rick, knocking a device from his mitt. Morty stands by, unsure of what to do.)

Rick: Morty, do it! Hit the button now!

Morty: I can't exercise information technology, Rick! They're my parents and sister!

Rick: *belongings off the clones* Morty, I already told you, it's non your family! They're clones from an alternate reality possessed past demonic alien spirits from another dimension's future! Do you need a mnemonic device or something? Just hit the button already!

(Beth'southward clone leaves Rick and approaches Morty, panting viciously until she gets close, and she seemingly becomes her normal cocky again.)

Beth: Morty, delight. I love you, sweetheart.

Morty: Ohhhh…

(Morty hesitates a second longer before darting past Beth. He glances upward at the clones, then covers his eyes equally he hits a button on the wall, creating an energy field that destroys the clones, whose faces seem to melt. Morty watches, horrified. As soon as they're gone, Rick jumps to his feet and grabs the device that absorbed the spirits, apparently unbothered by the unabridged outcome.)

Rick: Skillful work, Morty.

(He creates a portal and jumps through.)

[Trans. Garage]

(Rick and Morty spring through the other end of the portal back to the Smith residence.)

Rick: *holding up the device and grinning* Y-You know, these demonic alien spirits are really valuable!

(Screen pans out to bear witness that Morty is vomiting in the corner. Rick glances at him and puts the box away.)

Rick: Y'all okay, Morty? Told you not to trust that tuna.

Morty: I just killed my family! I don't care what they were!

Rick: I dunno, Morty. Some people would pay top dollar for that kinda quantum.

Morty: Y-You know what, Rick? That'due south it! I-I'm done with these…insane adventures! That was really traumatizing! I quit! I'1000 out!

(Morty turns and starts to walk out of the garage.)

Rick: Whoa whoa whoa, *grabs Morty's shoulder, stopping him* come up on, Morty! D-D-Don't exist like that! The universe is a crazy and chaotic place!

Morty: *pushes Rick's easily away* You're the i that's crazy and chaotic! Adventures are supposed to exist simple! And fun!

Rick: Oh yeah, Morty. Aye, t-t-that- that's real like shooting fish in a barrel to say from the sidekick position. But—But, uh, h-how virtually next time y'all be in charge, and so we'll talk nearly how simple and fun it is.

Morty: *suddenly excited* Seriously Rick?! Y-Yous'll let me call the shots?

Rick: Okay, fine. But let's brand information technology interesting, Morty. I-I-If your adventure sucks, and nosotros bail halfway through it, you lose the right to bitch well-nigh all future adventures. Plus, you lot have to do my laundry for a calendar month.

Morty: Okay, all right, tough guy! But if my adventure's good... I get to be in accuse of every third adventure!

Rick: Every 10th.

Morty: Bargain. All right. Well, come up on, let'south get going.

Beth: Dad, the dishwasher's doing that thing again.

Rick: Washing dishes?

Beth: No. The opposite. Can y'all fix information technology?

Summer: Granddaddy Rick, can you help me with my science homework?

Rick: Yeah just don't do it.

Summertime: Gramps!

Jerry:Hey, Rick, you got some kind of hand-shaped device that tin can open up this mayonnaise jar?

Rick:Wow. Hat trick. All right, Morty, allow'southward put a pivot in this. I got to help your pathetic family.

Morty:Oh, that sounds like something a chicken would say. Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk.

Rick:Oh, Morty, yous done did it this fourth dimension. Information technology'south on. I can't wait to watch your adventure lay a huge fart. As for you dingdongs... This is a Meeseeks box. Let me prove you how it works. You printing this.

(meeseeks spawns)

Meeseeks:I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Expect at me!

Rick:Yous make a request. Mr. Meeseeks, open Jerry'southward stupid mayonnaise jar.

Meeseeks:Yep, siree!

(Meeseeks grabs mayonnaise jar as Rick explains.)

Rick:The Meeseeks fulfills the request.

(Meeseeks opens jar and hands to jerry.)

Meeseeks:All done!

Jerry: [amazed] Wow!

Rick:And then it stops existing.

(Meeseeks vanishes into particles in air.)

Summer:Oh, my God, he exploded!

Rick:Trust me, they're fine with it. Knock yourselves out simply keep your requests simple. They're not gods.

Morty:All right! Go out of here now! Everybody out of hither! I got a bet to win!

(Beth, Jerry and Summertime in the livingroom)

Beth: So many possibilities.

Summertime: My listen is racing.

Jerry: If nosotros're gonna apply this thing, which I'm non fifty-fifty sure nosotros should, nosotros need to keep information technology simple.

(Summer spawns a meeseeks)

Meeseeks: I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Summer: I want to be popular at school!

Meeseeks: Ooh, okay!

Jerry: Summer, what did I simply-

(Beth spawns a meeseeks)

Meeseeks two: Ooh, I'thousand Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!

Beth: I want I desire to be a more complete woman!

Jerry: Beth!

Meeseeks ii: Oh, yeah! Yep, ma'am!

Jerry: You guys are doing it wrong. He said "unproblematic."

(Jerry spawns a meeseeks)

Meeseeks 3: Hey, there. I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Jerry: Mr. Meeseeks, I would like to take two strokes off my golf game.

Meeseeks iii: Ooh, yeah! Can do!

Jerry: Nailed it.

(Cut to Rick and Morty in a poor village somewhere in the universe. Information technology looks similar a place from the 1700's)

Rick: God, Morty, what a boring showtime to an risk. Why didn't we just become to Kentucky?

Morty: Rick, this is a fantasy-type world with creatures and all sorts of fantasy things. Nosotros're going on a quest, okay?

Rick: Can't wait.

(Morty stands on something tall to speak to the people)

Morty: Ahem. Alibi me! We are two humble heroes in search of take a chance!

Rick: Oh, my God, and so embarrassing.

Villager (man): At last! 2 heroes! You must help u.s.a.! This village is terribly poor, yet the giant that lives in the clouds above has untold treasures!

Morty: Yous know what? I accept your call to adventure, good sir, kind sir. Come on, Rick. There's a giant in the clouds!

Rick: Aye. Beginner's luck.

(Cut to Meeseeks one speaking to the students of Summer'southward schoolhouse in the gym)

Meeseeks 1: In conclusion, a friendship with Summer Smith is the most valuable and enriching feel of your immature lives. I'chiliad Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! Thank you lot!

Master Gene V.: Uh, Mr. Meeseeks, was it? Yeah. Gene Vagina. Listen, I'thou in a flake of custody thing with my ex and was wondering- (Meeseeks one stops existing)- No, I'll get your info from Summer.

(Cutting to Beth and Meeseeks 2 at a restaurant sitting outside)

Beth: I got significant at 17. I hateful, I nonetheless put myself through veterinarian school. Yes, I'm successful, simply what if I hadn't...-(Meeseeks 2 stares attentively)- I'm just saying, somewhere along the way, I lost that wide-eyed girl from muskegon.

Meeseeks 2: She's still there, Beth.

Beth: Well, her waistline isn't.

Meeseeks two: Beth, having a family unit doesn't mean that you terminate beingness an private. You lot know the best thing y'all tin can do for people that depend on you lot? Exist honest with them, fifty-fifty if information technology means setting them gratis.

Beth: You're saying I should leave Jerry. (Beth starts to cry) I can't believe I'm finally having this conversation.

(Meeseeks 2 stops existing as Beth leans in to kiss him)

Waiter (man): More wine?

Beth: I think I've had enough.

(Cut to Jerry at a golf grade with Meeseeks iii)

Meeseeks 3: Think to foursquare your shoulders, Jerry.

Jerry: Yeah, yeah. I got it.

(Jerry misses the ball completely)

Meeseeks 3: That'southward okay. I'chiliad Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! Try again and keep your head down.

Jerry: Okay, well, which is information technology? Foursquare my shoulders or keep my head downwardly?

Meeseeks 3: Well, information technology's both. But most importantly, yous got to relax.

Jerry: You know what, Mr. Meeseeks? I don't think this is working. I give up.

Meeseeks 3 (nervous): I'm sorry, Jerry, simply it doesn't work like that. I'thou Mr. Meeseeks. I have to fulfill my purpose so I can go away. Look at me.

Jerry: Well, brand yourself comfy, because I suck.

Meeseeks 3: No, Jerry, I'm the one who SUCKS! Let me attempt something.

(Meeseeks 3 spawns in another Meeseeks)

Meeseeks iv: I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Wait at me!

Meeseeks 3: Hi, Mr. Meeseeks! I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Expect at me.

Meeseeks 4: Hi!

Meeseeks iii: Tin you help me get two strokes off of Jerry's golf swing?

Meeseeks 4: Can exercise! I'yard Mr. Meeseeks! Is he keeping his shoulders squared?

Meeseeks iii: Ooh, he's trying!

(Cut to Rick and Morty on a table in a behemothic building)

Rick: All correct, Morty. We're in your stupid behemothic's castle. What do we do next?

Morty: Would you just relax, Rick? All we got to do is find the treasure room, okay? It'southward nice and simple. You know, I'g sad everything'due south going so smoothly and adventurously.

(A giant can exist heard walking down the hall)

Rick (sarcastic): Uh-oh, Morty. Startin' to get a little hairy. What practise you lot want to exercise, boss?

Morty: Come on, hurry. Behind this cookie jar.

Giant: Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum!

Rick: Just give upwardly, Morty. This is game over. I'll take the states home right now. You just say the word.

Morty: No way, Rick. This is all part of it. Adventures have conflict. Deal with it.

Behemothic: I smell the blood of- whoop!(the giant falls and cracks his head open on the table corner before striking the ground)

Morty: Holy crap.

Rick: Oh, boy. He looks pretty bad down there, Morty. Looks like he's haemorrhage out.

(A behemothic adult female walks in belongings a baby)

Giant woman: Oh, Jesus! Dale! You sons of bitches! Oh, man. Hullo, 911? My husband has been attacked by tiny people! He's dying!

(Cut to Rick and Morty at a giant jail and getting mug shots)

Detective: Hey, look, we get information technology. You're piffling, you're down on your luck, y'all think, "hey, he'southward a giant. Why don't nosotros break into his abode, rob him, and murder him?"

Morty: Th-thursday merely that's non how it went down!

Detective: Oh, well, it's going down like that. You lot're both going down similar that.

Rick: Ooh, boy, Morty, you lot're really showing me how information technology's done. Existent straightforward and fun.

(Cut to the Smith dining room and living room where Jerry is still frustrated, while Summer and Beth await much happier)

Summer: Similar, letting go of the demand to be pop is what makes people similar you.

Beth: The most important love y'all can receive is from yourself.

(Several meeseeks now fill the living room, trying to aid)

Meeseeks: Okay, Jerry, y'all got to just choke up on the club!

Jerry: Well, which is it, choke up or follow-through?!

Meeseeks: Aww, come on, Jerry, we've been over this. You know yous got to do both! This is as frustrating for us as information technology is for you.

Jerry: Don't tell me that! That only puts pressure level on me!

Meeseeks: Just try to relax.

Jerry: You lot effort to relax! Have you ever tried to relax?! Information technology is a paradox! (Jerry walks to the dinning room) Ugh, these Meeseeks, huh? Kind of a handful. I can't imagine what you two must be going through.

Beth: Our Meeseeks have been gone for hours, Jerry.

Jerry: You lot're kidding me.

Beth: Notice anything different?

Jerry: I'1000 sorry. Hours?

Summertime: Dad, mom is a beautiful woman! Look at her! You will lose her!

Meeseeks: Uhh... Hey, Jerry, you mind if we get dorsum to the task at paw? Meeseeks don't ordinarily accept to exist this long. It'south getting weird.

(Cut to Rick and Morty in a giant courthouse)

Judge: Guild in the court! Before the jury reaches its verdict, I simply want to say that I consider you lot both very guilty.

Rick (sarcastic): Oh, great adventure, buddy. Rick and Morty go to giant prison house. You know, if somebody drops the soap, it's gonna land on our heads and crush our spines, Morty. Yous know, it'll exist really easy to rape us afterward that.

Morty: Nosotros're gonna be okay, Rick.

Rick: How? They took my portal gun. This is an open-and-shut case, Morty. You know, what practise you recall's gonna happen, some magical angel's gonna show upward and then-(the court doors outburst open and a giant in a suit walks down the isle.)

Behemothic Lawyer: Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum! I smell the violation of civil liberties! Your accolade, I'm from a tiny-persons advocacy group and I accept hither in my manus a movement to dismiss. These little men were never read their giant rights and are therefore gratis-fi to fo-home.

(Murmers of confusion spread throughout the courtroom)

Rick: W-what the hell is he talking well-nigh?

Giant Lawyer: They're complimentary to go, is what I meant. I'm deconstructing our our our affair we say. We're giants. Nobody got that? Whatsoever.

Morty: Oh, man, what did I tell you, Rick? Nosotros did information technology!

(Rick and Morty appear exterior the courthouse)

Rick: All right, Morty, looks like the portal gun's still working. You lot ready to head home?

Morty: Oh, yeah, yous'd like that, wouldn't you, Rick? Well, you lot know what? We're non bailing out only nevertheless. Y'all know, nosotros're gonna go find some treasure or something and and we're gonna bring it to those villagers.

Rick: Morty, cut your losses. This is patently awash.

Morty: Yes, you were maxim that back when we first got arrested, simply here we are, you know, walking downwardly the courthouse steps.

(They wait downwardly the stairs and see that each stride is as tall as a large building. The stairs seem to keep forever)

Rick: Oh, boy, Morty.

Morty: Normally, walking downward the courthouse steps is the like shooting fish in a barrel part of the adventure.

Rick: What do you say, Morty?

Morty: I say give me a hand, sidekick.

(Cut to the Smith livingroom. Dozens of meeseeks make full the room whining, groaning and desperately trying to assist Jerry.)

NOTE: to brand this easier an * will be put adjacent to meeseeks every time a different meeseeks talks.

Jerry: Everybody shut up! Let me try! (Jerry swings and misses once again) Damn information technology! Damn it! Damn it!

Beth: I'k going out.

Jerry: Wait. What?

Beth: Well, y'all're busy. I'grand hungry. I thought I'd leave. Do you lot desire me to be happy or do you desire me to be in prison house?

Jerry: Whoa, whoa, where in the hell is, I'll take you to dinner.

All the Meeseeks: AWWWWWWW!

Jerry: Hey, you know what? It'south hard beingness me, likewise. I'll exist right there. Look, I've got a marriage to keep together. At this point, my golf swing is more than your trouble than mine.

(Get out Beth and Jerry)

Meeseeks: I can't accept it anymore. I just want to die!

Meeseeks *: We all want to dice! Nosotros're Meeseeks! Why did y'all even rope me into this?

Meeseeks *: 'Crusade he roped me into this!

Meeseeks *: Well, him over there, he roped me into this!

Meeseeks *:Well, he roped me into this!

Meeseeks *: Well, what near me? He roped me into this.

Meeseeks *: Well, that one over at that place roped me into this.

Meeseeks *: Well, he roped me into this.

(Cutting to Rick and Morty climbing down a stride like it's a mountian)

Rick: Yes, Morty, this is the part of the story everybody loves scaling down 650,000 oversized steps.

Morty: All right, okay, y'all know, if this was a story, this part wouldn't be included, stupid. (They see an opening in 1 of the steps) Hey, Rick, what do y'all know? Await downward there. Looks similar some kind of tavern or something built correct into the side of the step.

(Rick and Morty appear in the tavern)

Morty: Oh, wow, Rick. At present, this is more like it. Look, there's little staircase-shaped people in here. All kinds of crazy characters. This identify is cracking, y'all know? It's whimsical and fun.

(Rick sees a beast staring at him)

Rick: What are you lot looking at, motherfucker?

Morty: Easy, Rick.

(A strange looking waitress with large boobs greets them at their table)

Waitress: Pay them no mind. Those stair goblins can be moody. Now, what can I getcha? We've got skarlog poppies, flurlow, halzingers, bloogies, juicy fourth dimension babies.

Rick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, how about some scotch whiskey? You got any of that around here? Or just a bunch of nonsense words?

Morty: Rick... We'll have two bloogies, please. And, uh, we were wondering, is in that location a faster way ii heroes could get down these stairs?

Slippery: You need to ride down the stairs? My proper name is slippely-slippery stair. I'll take yous down there for 25 shmeckels.

Rick: 25 shmeckels? I don't know how much I don't know what that is. Is that a lot? Is information technology a fiddling?

Waitress: That'south exactly how much I spent on my big simulated boobies.

Mr. Booby Heir-apparent: Hi, I'chiliad Mr. Booby Buyer. I'll buy those boobies for 25 shmeckels.

Waitess: It'south a tempting offer, but I'chiliad gonna have to refuse.

Mr. Booby Buyer: Rats! What a shame.

Rick: Morty, your adventure'due south in a screw. For real, man, time to pull out.

Morty: You lot keep heckling my adventure, Rick! You know why?

Rick: Uh, because it's lame?

Morty: It's because you lot're petty! Yous know, how many times take I had to follow you into some nonsensical bull crap? I ever roll with the punches, Rick. Why can't you lot? Wait, I got to take a leak, and when I come dorsum, if you haven't learned how to lighten up, don't exist hither!

Rick: Whatever.

(Cut to the Smith living room with all the Meeseeks)

Meeseeks: Information technology'south become clear-look at me- that if we concentrate all our efforts on Jerry'south follow-through, nosotros will solve this problem. I'1000 Mr. Meeseeks.

Meeseeks *: I'chiliad Mr. Meeseeks. Look at me. The simply affair that's clear is that choking upwards is the one true solution.

Meeseeks 3: Wait at me. I'm Mr. Meeseeks. I've been trying to help Jerry for two days, an eternity in Meeseeks fourth dimension, and nothing's worked. I fear the worst.

Meeseeks: Your failures are your ain, old man. I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Await at me. I say follow-through! Who's with me?! Follow-through!

(A Meeseeks spawns in another Meeseeks)

New Meeseeks: I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!

Meeseeks: Kill him!

New Meeseeks: Hisssss! (He attacks some other meeseeks)

(Cut to Morty in the bathroom)

Mr. Jelly Edible bean: How are you lot today? I'm Mr. Jelly Bean!

Morty: Hullo, Mr. Jelly Bean. I'm Morty. My grandpa and I are on an adventure.

Mr. Jelly Edible bean: Nice. Is information technology a fun adventure?

Morty: I hope so. Merely I'm starting to get nervous that maybe it'south gone a little too far off the rails.

Mr. Jelly Bean: Well, isn't that what adventures practise?

Morty: Hey, you know what? You're right. Everything's going fine. I just got to relax and go with the catamenia.

Mr. Jelly Edible bean: Yeah. (He rubs Morty's sholders)

Morty: Okay. Uh. B-bye.

Mr. Jelly Bean: Uhh, no, stay. Go with the flow!

Morty: Stop. You're making me actually uncomfortable.

(Mr. Jelly Bean clearly wants to rape Morty)

Mr. Jelly Bean (aggresive): Finish fighting me! Only let this happen!

Morty: Get off of me!

(cut to Rick singing karaoke)

Rick: ♪ Sugariness home Alabama. Wooooo!

(back to Morty, the fighting makes it to a stall)

Morty: Whoo! No! End! Please!

Mr. Jelly Bean: Cease being such a fucking tease, you sweet piddling twat!

Morty: No! No!

(Morty gets the upper manus and, in a frenzied set on, slams the toilet seat on Mr. Jelly Bean's head until he is knocked out. Morty sits down on the ground out of breath, and yells in horror of what but happened as he stares at the jellybeans claret on his hands.)

(Back at the Smith house, fifty-fifty more Meeseeks have spawned and a full out battle has started. Notwithstanding, even the badly hurt Meeseeks cannot die because they have not completed their task)

Meeseeks: Everybody sto-o-o-p! Look at me! My brothers, nothing will be accomplished by shedding Meeseeks blood. None of u.s.a. can die until our job is done.

Meeseeks *: The task can't be done! We'll never get two strokes off his game!

Meeseeks: No, we won't. Just we volition get all strokes off his game.

All other Meeseeks: Where's he going with this? What does he mean?

Meeseeks: When we impale him!

(Loud hooting and joy from the meeseeks crowd)

(Cut to Jerry and Beth at dinner)

Beth: Jerry, maybe information technology's fourth dimension I have that trip I e'er talk about.

Jerry: Where would you go?

Beth: I don't know, man. Italian republic. Hellenic republic. Argentina.

Jerry: Countries known for their sexually ambitious men. Did I tell you how much I beloved your new haircut?

(A loud noise is heard and the glass window breaks with a hoard of Meeseeks angrily storming in)

Jerry: What the heck?

Meeseeks: At that place he is!

Beth: Run, Jerry!

(Beth and Jerry lock themselves in a freezer with a modest window in the door)

Meeseeks: Come on out, Jerry!

Jerry: Guys, I'll choke upward. I'll follow through. I'll practice whatever you tell me to do, okay?

Meeseeks: Oh, nosotros're well past that, Jerry.

(Cut to Rick at a card tabular array with another characters)

Bill of fare Player: Come on, Rick, quit stalling. What do ya got?

Rick: Read 'em and cry, fellas! (Morty comes back) Oh, hey, Morty. Listen, I'grand really sorry about all that stuff I said before about your adventure. I'm havin' a expert time, Morty. It's not and then bad.

Morty (very stressed): Let's but go dwelling, okay? I'thou calling it. The adventure's over.

Rick: We can't go out now, Morty. I'm on burn!

Morty: Look, I want to go out at present. You win the bet, okay? (Searches Rick'due south lab coat for the portal gun) Just give me the portal gun and permit'southward become, please!

(Rick sees the desperately beaten Mr. Jelly Bean walk out of the bathroom and pieces together what happened)

Morty: Please, I just want to... get h-home. (Tears up and holds onto Rick)

Rick: Okay. Listen, Morty. I simply won a bunch of shmeckels. Why don't we use 25 of them to pay glace stair here for a ride back to the hamlet, and then we'll requite the remainder of the shmeckels to the villagers, huh?

Morty: Really?

Rick: Certain, Morty. Yeah. You know, a good adventure needs a proficient ending.

(Outside on the steps)

Slippery: Buckle upwardly! (He starts to have them downwards)

(Cut dorsum to the freezer)

Meeseeks (presumably three): Meeseeks are not born into this world fumbling for meaning, Jerry! We are created to serve a atypical purpose for which we will go to any lengths to fulfill! Being is pain to a Meeseeks, Jerry. And nosotros will practise anything to alleviate that pain. Merely ask... (Meeseeks grabs a adult female) ...what's your name, ma'am?

Woman: Samantha. Please, mister! Requite him what he wants!

Jerry: Innocent people are going to die because of me. Why am I then mediocre?

(Beth takes a stand, tears a pipe off of a rack, and grabs Jerry off the basis)

Beth: Jerry, plow around. Straighten your back. Bend your knees. Curve them. Foursquare your shoulders. Take a deep breath. I dear you.

Meeseeks (presumably 3): I'm counting to three, Jerry.

(Jerry opens the door, as everyone watches. Using the pipe, he swings at a tomato. Information technology lands into a pot)

All Meeseeks: Ooooohhh!

Samantha: What the fuck is going on?

All Meeseeks: He's got it! That'southward a lower handicap stro-o-ke!

(All the Meeseeks stop existing except ane)

Meeseeks: Excuse me. I'thou a scrap of a stickler Meeseeks. What most your short game?

(The meeseeks grabs Samantha and puts a knife up to her neck)

Samantha (Crying): Oh, my God, oh, my God! What about your short game?!

(Jerry grabs an onion and puts it on the footing. He swings the piping again, and information technology rolls into a nearby cup)

Meeseeks: Ooh, nice! (Stops existing)

Jerry (Kisses Beth): I think we'll take our food to go.

Owner: No, you won't. The law are coming. You lot accept so many questions to answer.

Jerry: Off-white plenty.

(Rick and Morty return to the village in triumph)

The Beginning Villager: Thank you, kind sir. Our hamlet is saved! You are both true heroes!

Rick: Good task, Morty. Looks like you lot won the bet.

Morty: Thanks, Rick, just I don't know if I should. Yous know, you were correct about the universe. It's a crazy and cluttered place.

Rick: Well, yous know, maybe that's why it could employ a little cleaning upward every at present and and then, you know. This one's wrapped up cracking and clean because we did it Morty style.

The Starting time Villager: Oh! Heroes, we would similar to introduce you to our beloved king so that he may give thanks you personally.

(The desperately browbeaten Mr. Jelly Edible bean is carried to towards them on a thrown)

Morty: Uh, no, I-it's absurd. Rick. Portal. Bustle.

(They portal away, but Rick makes another portal back and sticks an free energy pistol through information technology and shoots Mr. Jelly Bean, splattering him all over the screaming villagers)

(Back at the Smith house)

Jerry: So... You still thinking about taking that trip?

Beth: Jerry, await. We don't have a perfect matrimony, but I'yard non going anywhere. When we were in that freezer, I realized the Meeseeks are similar the guys I went to high school with willing to say anything to "consummate their task."

Jerry: Was I one of those guys?

Beth: The difference is yous didn't disappear afterwards.

Jerry: Well... I got you pregnant.

Beth: Aye...

Rick: What the hell happened to this place?

Beth: Uh, your Meeseeks box happened. They went crazy when they couldn't take two strokes off Jerry's golf game. He felt terrible.

Rick: Hey, it's non my error that Jerry's an idiot.

Beth: Dad! Is there annihilation you can exercise to clean this identify upwards?

Rick: Well, yous know, I exercise have a Fleeseeks box.

Jerry: No. No more boxes.

Rick: What? It just has a mop and some flooring wax in it. Wubba lubba dub dub! (Everyone laughs) Yeah! That's my new thing! I'k kind of like what's his proper noun Arsenio. Isn't that it's what Arsenio used to say on his show. Wobble gobba lop bops! Correct? Run into you lot next week, everybody.

Beth: I don't go it.

(Afterward the end credits at the village)

Villager 1: Sir, I think you're going to desire to see this. Nosotros found it inside a lockbox inside king Jelly Bean's cupboard. (A box of pictures of many young boys Mr. Jelly Bean molested) We accept to tell the people.

Villager 2: Wait. Destroy it. (They fix the box on burn) Our people will get more than from the idea he represented... than from the jelly bean he really was.

(They stare and walk abroad from a statue of Mr. Jelly Edible bean continuing adjacent to a immature boy with his mitt on his shoulder)

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Season 1 PilotLawnmower Canis familiarisAnatomy ParkM. Night Shaym-Aliens! Meeseeks and Destroy Rick Potion #nineRaising GazorpazorpRixty MinutesSomething Ricked This Way ComesShut Rick-Counters of the Rick KindRicksy Business concern
Season 2 A Rickle in TimeMortynight RunMachine Erotic AssimilationFull RickallGo SchwiftyThe Ricks Must Be CrazyBig Trouble In Little SanchezInterdimensional Cable 2: Tempting FateLook Who's Purging NowThe Hymeneals Squanchers
Season 3 The Rickshank RickdemptionRickmancing the StonePickle RickVindicators iii: The Render of WorldenderThe Whirly Dirly ConspiracyResidue and RicklaxationTales From the CitadelMorty's Mind BlowersThe ABC'southward of BethThe Rickchurian Mortydate


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